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Hogmanay Ceilidh 31 December 2024

Featuring - Cabrach

Come and see in the New Year with friends old and new. This annual event has been extremely popular since it started for Hogmanay in 1999 and has always sold out. Dancing will be to the popular ceilidh band “Cabrach” and there will be a licensed bar for refreshment. No BYO drink and no Glass containers, bags may be checked.

Doors open at 8 and the party begins with guests being piped in to the hall and dancing starts at 9:00. There will of course be a raffle and a break for the obligatory “bottle roll”. Some guests usually pop out to see the fireballs and come back after the bells to carry on dancing, the Ceilidh finishes at 01:30. The ceilidh is fully seated with a table plan, and guests will be shown to their seats by the Stewards.

Ticket prices

Age 14 and over TBA
Under 14 TBA
Under 5 FREE


Tickets on sale from 1st November

Updated 05/09/2024

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