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Volunteer Club

Stonehaven Folk Festival Needs You – if it is going to survive.

Stonehaven Folk Festival is organised and run by volunteers.  We receive no funding from any local authority and we rely on our volunteers to deliver a great Festival year on year. The word ‘volunteer’ is not specific enough to cover the many roles and tasks that make a successful festival but you can get an idea of what volunteers do by visiting our ‘volunteers’ page on our website.

We want all our volunteers to be members of Stonehaven Folk Festival SCIO. Our volunteers make a tangible difference to the Festival and thus our community.  They get to use the skills and talents they already have, while learning new ones as they meet and network with others in our community and get a sense of satisfaction from helping and supporting others to enjoy their experience of the Festival.  Most of all we think that volunteering to support Stonehaven Folk Festival is fun which is why we have some volunteers who come year after year.

We appreciate that we all have constraints on the time we have to offer as members and volunteers. But we do have A Scottish saying – “many a mickle mak’s a muckle”. Another is “many hands make light work”. So if you can offer a couple of hours over the weekend of the Festival or want to make a larger contribution to the organisation and setting up of the Festival through joining our Board of trustees, become a member of the our organisation by filling in the form overleaf and popping it into the collection box in the Upper Town Hall.  Or down load it from our website – stonehavenfolkfestival.co.uk

Martin Kasprowicz - Chairman

Volunteer registration form here

We are always looking for keen enthusiastic people to help over the Festival weekend and the days before and after it. Duties vary from stewarding an event, helping with marketing, putting and taking down the Marquee, assisting with general office enquiries, distributing posters, leaflets and signs - the list goes on.

If you are interested in more information or would like to volunteer please see below or send us an email and we will get back to you with more information.

Contact: volunteer@stonehavenfolkfestival.co.uk

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this form

 Link to Stonehaven Folk Festival Volunteer Policy:  SFF-Volunteer-Policy.pdf


Stonehaven Folk Festival (SFF) is an annual three-day event that (usually) takes place over the second week end in July in Stonehaven.  The organisations purpose is to promote and provide education relating to traditional and contemporary folk music and culture in all its forms.  We aim to promote an appreciation of folk music by encouraging participation in, and attendance at, the festival and other events that take place throughout the year.  By doing so we hope to encourage and develop new talent, thus preserving “folk Music” into the future.

Volunteers and Stonehaven Folk Festival

SFF is a registered charity in Scotland and is organised and run by volunteers.  The charity’s management committee also forms the backbone of the organising committee with sub groups for discreet activities that can co-opt members as the need and availability arises.  SFF is rightly proud of the commitment and variety of skills that volunteers have brought to festival over the years which has resulted in a hugely successful, “family friendly” festival.

As a member of the Volunteer Club, you are an integral part of the Festival team.  Not only are you the eyes and ears of the festival but you also act as ambassadors and information points.  Whatever your role, you are often the first point of contact for the public and as such can make a difference to their Festival experience.

This successful Festival would not exist without the energies and commitment of the many volunteers. This is recognised by the organisers and also by the many people who attend events and the artists who entertain. We hope that those who volunteer with us enjoy the experience and come back in future years.

The number of volunteers vary over the year and reaches a peak during the set-up, the actual festival weekend and the subsequent clear-up activities.  However, it is fair to say that volunteers are working within the organisation all year round

Terms and Conditions for Festival Volunteers

1) We would encourage all Volunteers to read the Stonehaven Folk Festival Volunteer Policy, which highlights important aspects such as:

2) Volunteers will be supplied with a Stewards' badge which must be worn at all times whilst representing Stonehaven Folk Festival.
3) We ask that all of our volunteers take their roles seriously and are committed to the shifts they are given.
4) Volunteers must be available to attend one of the induction/training sessions in late June / early July (or just prior to the commencement of their shift) – details will be sent nearer the time.

 Link to Stonehaven Folk Festival Volunteer Policy:  SFF-Volunteer-Policy.pdf



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